Saturday 31 December 2011

Write A Poem

I think i can dance
but i am not sure about that
i love to see people dance
my heart feels want to dance like them
but i cannot do any dance trick

I think i can confidence to myself  that i can do it
i search dance trick at the internet
from morning to night i learn how to dance
now, little bit about dance i know and i can do it
from there i practice and keep practicing

I think i can be a professional dancer
now, i am a dancer in any kind of dance
my spirit guide me to do it until now
until now, i still keep searching for new steps
this is the way i can express myself

Friday 30 December 2011

Pre Writing Technique

Mind mapping: find a main point to elaborate it
Brain storming: group, fast, wild and teamwork
WH question: who how when where questions
Free writing: there is no topic. just write it
Quick writing: there is a topic to write

This are the technique to writing . I really likes free writing because there are no topic to write about . You just only keep writing until the ends . Other than that is quick writing . Quick writing has a topic to write . But ? No matter if it wrong or correct . You just only write it . Even if your grammar is misserable or false you  just have to write until end . miss Zuraidah said that to my class . maybe Miss Zuraidah do the free and quick writing to make us think outside the box and develop creativity on writing . I think ! Who knows ? thanks miss zuraidah . Maybe sometimes we feel depressed on you . Hehehe .

Wednesday 28 December 2011

127 Hours Movie

this movie is all about willing to do anything to survive . this 127 hours happen when aron is mountain climber trapped because a big rock falling down and which his hand stucked between wall and rock . before that all happen . he cycling around grand canyon and suddently fall down . after that, he found his 2 friend name kristi and megan . they all take twists and turn of grand canyon . aron alone when his friend leave the grand canyon and aron also want to get back home . but on his way to go to his car . unexpected tragedy happen when he fall down to alley and big rock fall down and cause his right hand stuck . there are blood falling down from his hand . he knows that if he do not do anything to release his hand . he might be dead . so he plan how to escape . he started search tools that can be use to remove the rock from his hand . he been stucked in grand canyon for almost 5 days . that why the movie tittle is 127 hours . on the way he tried to get away from grand canyon . he realize that his drinking bottle almost empty . he has no choice but he has to drink his own urine water . at days 5 . he cut his right hand with his traveller tools . after that . he bind his hand with some cloth . immediately go to out of the alley . luckily there are people see him and that people help him . that was the ending of the story .       

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Exhibition At Speaker Corner And Sri Laksamana

At the speaker corner
there are 3 booth at there . first is english language society . second is mandarin society . third is arab society .

English language society booth
At the English booth, they provides a few services . examples is like face painting only for RM2.00 only . snap picture with snow white . also have many story book . the booth open for only 3 days . they all explain how to improve our skill language and what english language society activities for this semester . they are too many people at there . so i only got a few information about english language society

Arab society booth
At the Arab society booth . they show to us about arab culture, cloth, food and drink, and about their language . arab is a big country . examples is egypt, sudan, syria, algeria, mauritania, morocco, iraq . arab people cloth is like burqa, abaya, thawb, keffiyeh, tasah, hand of fatima and many others . arab food and drink is like barbican drink, morrocan mint tea, kabsa rice, mendi rice, falafel, hummus, syawarma, tabulah . also they want us to complete the quiz on the quiz paper that they give to us . who complete the quiz as quick as possible . can redeem gift at the booth . but all the answer must be correct . but i did not do it . what a lazy am i ????

Mandarin society booth
Mandarin booth shows to us a few of chinese accesories to write and some replica like chinese tea pot and chinese chess and caligraph pencil . mandarin booth show a lot of replica but there still have information about chinese culture, cloth, food and drink . chinese cloth is mianfu, bianfu, chaofu, gongfu and changfu .chinese food examples is chuan (sinchuan), hui (anhui), lu (shandong) and many other quaint name . hahahaha . that all about event at speaker corner .

At the sri laksamana
At the sri laksamana, there a many food booth . but only one booth i know a lot . that booth name is COMBO CORNER . combo corner selling sandwich, mushroom soup+garlic bread, spaghetti, macaroni and bandung soda drink . price for sandwich is RM2.50 only . mushroom soup+garlic bread is RM5.00 only . spaghetti and macaroni is RM5.00 only . bandung mix with soda is RM1.50 only . i buy only bandung soda because my stomach full with fried rice that i buy at ibu food stall at speaker corner .. urmmm .. so delicious food at there .. hehehe . that all my report for miss zuraidah .. after that i go to my room and sleep .. ZZZZzzzzzz .

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Regular And Irregular Verb

Today we all learn about verbs . There are two type of verbs . Regular and irregular verbs . Furthermore . I learn a new word . It is BIZARRE . Bizarre mean strange,odd,weird . Miss Zuraidah ask us to list down 100 verbs and send its to her in the next class . Miss Zuraidah divide us into two group . First group name is BIZARRE and the second group name is THE STAR . Two group must collect the highest point to win the game . The game that we all play is all about verbs . At the ends of class . Group BIZARRE won that game . The point is 4400 and the star collect 3600 . But it just a game just for fun and to test our brains . Examples is in the box. there have three type . first is base form,past simple and past participle

bewas, werebeen

Friday 9 December 2011

Perform Scene From P.ramlee Movie

Miss Zuraidah ask us to perform a scene from P.ramlee movie . My group choose to perform a scene from MADU TIGA . I acts as P.ramlee in the scenes . The story begin when all P.ramlee wife knows about his marriages . The first places is at wife number three houses . They all angry when see the picture in the wedding album photos, immediately all three wife look go for their husband and want to kill him because cheating about the marriage . Its so funny when in class we have to chase one another in a small lecture room . haha . then P.ramlee came to see his father in law to explain what happen in number three wife house ??? fathers suddenly go upstairs to perform a pray for his son in law luck  . P.ramlee quickly takes his car and ran from his wife chasing on him .. when P.ramlee drive his car .. Suddenly there a moldy jump into his cars ??? P.ramlee shocked and says to that moldy .. where you come from ?? moldy says : i want to die because there a so many problem i have to face it and i jump from the tree . P.ramlee says : Ouw .. that why you jump into my car .. Sorry moldy .. I have big problem too .. There a 3 anger chasing me right now !!! moldy still holds whites flags . P.ramlee wife at the back see the white flags and they all thinking that P.ramlee wants to give up . But wife numbers one says : We must get P.ramlee because of his cheating on us .. At the end .. P.ramlee stop his cars and jump from the bridge .. But ??? The bridge and river are not high ... hahahaha .. What a funny story ... Thank you Miss Zuraidah because giving us an enjoyed tasks ..

Monday 5 December 2011

First Time Attend Bel 120 Class

My first expect at Miss Zuraidah is she speak in English clearly . I hope at the end of last semester i can speak in English confidently and fluently . I hope so ??? About 1 weeks i enter BEL 120 classes . Miss Zuraidah is friendly and kind person . My first assignment on bel 120 was my first expectations on bel 120 class . On my expectation essay . I write about my friend and Miss Zuraidah . Haha . I do my assignment just in 30 minutes only . Huhu . There must be a lot of mistake in my essay . Hope Miss Zuraidah can help me to improve my english writting and listening . Miss Zuraidah ask us to create a blog and the tittle of the blog must be bel 120 class . every day we all must update the blog and Miss Zuraidah will check it in front of class . Okay . That all I want to share to all of you .