Friday 30 December 2011

Pre Writing Technique

Mind mapping: find a main point to elaborate it
Brain storming: group, fast, wild and teamwork
WH question: who how when where questions
Free writing: there is no topic. just write it
Quick writing: there is a topic to write

This are the technique to writing . I really likes free writing because there are no topic to write about . You just only keep writing until the ends . Other than that is quick writing . Quick writing has a topic to write . But ? No matter if it wrong or correct . You just only write it . Even if your grammar is misserable or false you  just have to write until end . miss Zuraidah said that to my class . maybe Miss Zuraidah do the free and quick writing to make us think outside the box and develop creativity on writing . I think ! Who knows ? thanks miss zuraidah . Maybe sometimes we feel depressed on you . Hehehe .

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