Friday 9 December 2011

Perform Scene From P.ramlee Movie

Miss Zuraidah ask us to perform a scene from P.ramlee movie . My group choose to perform a scene from MADU TIGA . I acts as P.ramlee in the scenes . The story begin when all P.ramlee wife knows about his marriages . The first places is at wife number three houses . They all angry when see the picture in the wedding album photos, immediately all three wife look go for their husband and want to kill him because cheating about the marriage . Its so funny when in class we have to chase one another in a small lecture room . haha . then P.ramlee came to see his father in law to explain what happen in number three wife house ??? fathers suddenly go upstairs to perform a pray for his son in law luck  . P.ramlee quickly takes his car and ran from his wife chasing on him .. when P.ramlee drive his car .. Suddenly there a moldy jump into his cars ??? P.ramlee shocked and says to that moldy .. where you come from ?? moldy says : i want to die because there a so many problem i have to face it and i jump from the tree . P.ramlee says : Ouw .. that why you jump into my car .. Sorry moldy .. I have big problem too .. There a 3 anger chasing me right now !!! moldy still holds whites flags . P.ramlee wife at the back see the white flags and they all thinking that P.ramlee wants to give up . But wife numbers one says : We must get P.ramlee because of his cheating on us .. At the end .. P.ramlee stop his cars and jump from the bridge .. But ??? The bridge and river are not high ... hahahaha .. What a funny story ... Thank you Miss Zuraidah because giving us an enjoyed tasks ..

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